Your doctor requested Quantum Anesthesia Services to provide anesthesia care during your procedure. Our highly experienced anesthesia clinicians are dedicated to providing outstanding service and safe, high-quality anesthesia care for you every time.
Before your procedure, our staff will need to gather necessary information about your medical and surgical history, such as medical conditions, recent lab work, history of complications, and other pertinent information. Depending on your medical history and surgical procedures, obtaining additional diagnostics or a preoperative evaluation from your medical doctor may be necessary.
Our staff will also explain the anesthetic procedure, review preoperative and postoperative instructions and answer any questions you may have regarding anesthesia experience.
Your safety is our #1 priority. If you have significant medical conditions, it may be determined that a non-hospital setting is unsafe for your surgery and anesthesia. This will be determined through evaluation by your anesthesia provider in coordination with your surgeon and medical doctor.
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